Part Number
#: 101187
Slot die head M401/44 SD
Standard head with slot die module. Width of glue regulated by shim plates. Max width of applicated glue 20mm.

Part Number

#: 101187

Slot die head MC 45/3-35 Ni120
Slot die head for hot melt coating. Controlled by module MC45. Total width of the coating nozzle 35 mm.

Part Number

Slot die head MC 45/3-35 Ni120
Slot die head for hot melt coating. Controlled by module MC45. Total width of the coating nozzle 35 mm.

Part Number

Nordson® #: 8060046
Nordson® #: 7131178

Slot die head MC 60V
Slot die head for edge banding. Max glue width 60 mm.

Part Number

Nordson® #: 731415
Nordson® #: 7331684

Slot die head M404 SD208 4EL
Slot die head for hot melt labels gluing. Controlled by modules M400. Total width of the coating nozzle 208 mm. Includes solenoid valves.

Part Number

Nordson® #: 731411

Slot die head M402 SD86 1EL
Slot die head for hot melt labels gluing. Controlled by modules M400. Total width of the coating nozzle 86 mm.
Alta-spray Series
Replacement for Nordson Nonwoven Parts

DUE-ALT Applicator 14″ UM50(Replacement for Nordson AltaSpray Applicator)
DUEMELT AltaSpray Applicator is custom built for efficiency and durability. Since all of our DUE-Alt Applicators are custom built, please call for pricing and specifications.
Alta-spray Series
Replacement for Nordson Nonwoven Parts

DUE-ALT Applicator 18″UM50 (Replacement for Nordson AltaSpray Applicator)
DUEMELT AltaSpray Applicator is custom built for efficiency and durability. Since all of our DUE-Alt Applicators are custom built, please call for pricing and specifications.
Alta-spray Series
Replacement for Nordson Nonwoven Parts

DUE-ALT Applicator 24″UM50 (Replacement for Nordson AltaSpray Applicator)
DUEMELT AltaSpray Applicator is custom built for efficiency and durability. Since all of our DUE-Alt Applicators are custom built, please call for pricing and specifications.
Alta-spray Series
Replacement for Nordson Nonwoven Parts

DUE-ALT Applicator 4″ UM50(Replacement for Nordson AltaSpray Applicator)
DUEMELT AltaSpray Applicator is custom built for efficiency and durability. Since all of our DUE-Alt Applicators are custom built, please call for pricing and specifications.
Alta-spray Series
Replacement for Nordson Nonwoven Parts

DUE-ALT Applicator 4″ UM25(Replacement for Nordson AltaSpray Applicator)
 DUE-Alt Applicator 4″ um25 is a direct replacement for Nordson AltaSpray Applicator 4″ um25, custom built for efficiency and durability. Since all of our DUE-Alt Applicators are custom-built, please call for pricing and specifications.
Alta-spray Series
Replacement for Nordson Nonwoven Parts

DUE-ALT Applicator 6″ UM25(Replacement for Nordson AltaSpray Applicator)
 DUE-Alt Applicator 6″ um25 is a direct replacement for Nordson AltaSpray Applicator 6″ um25, custom built for efficiency and durability. Since all of our DUE-Alt Applicators are custom-built, please call for pricing and specifications.
Alta-spray Series
Replacement for Nordson Nonwoven Parts

DUE-ALT Applicator 8″ UM25(Replacement for Nordson AltaSpray Applicator)
 DUE-Alt Applicator 8″ um25 is a direct replacement for Nordson AltaSpray Applicator 8″ um25, custom built for efficiency and durability. Since all of our DUE-Alt Applicators are custom-built, please call for pricing and specifications.